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    JFET 2 N-通道(双) 60 V 50 mA 400 mW 表面贴装型 8-SOIC

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LS844 SOIC 8L ROHS 数据手册
LS844 Series Low Noise, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier LOW INPUT CAPACITANCE MONOLITHIC DUAL N-CHANNEL JFET LSK489 TO-71 6L FEATURES LSK489 TO-71 6L G1 S2 Ultra-Low Noise en=2.5nV/Hz @1kHz TYP. Low Leakage IG=15pA TYPs. Low Drift I VGS1-2/TI=5µV/ºC max. Ultra-Low Offset Voltage IVGS1-2I=1mV max. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 4 D2 5 4 2 D1 6 3 D2 5 1 G2 G1 S2 3 2 D1 6 S1 G2 1 S1 1 TO-71 6L Top View @ 25°C (unless otherwise noted) TO-78 6L Top View Maximum Temperatures Storage Temperature -55º to +150°C Operating Junction Temperature -55º to +150°C Maximum Voltage and Current for Each Transistor1 -VGSS Gate Voltage to Drain or Source 60V IG(f) Gate Forward Current 50mA Maximum Power Dissipation2 Device Dissipation2 @ Free Air - Total 400mW TA=+25°C SOIC-A 8L Top View SOT-23 6L Top View PDIP 8L Top View * For equivalent single version, see LSK189 Features Benefits Applications • Low Noise: en = 2.5nV/√Hz (typ), f = 1kHz, NBW = 1Hz • Very Low Common Source Input Capacitance of CISS = 3pF – typ and 8pF- max • High Slew Rate • Low Offset/Drift Voltage • Low Gate Leakage IGSS and IG • High CMRR 102 dB • Tight Differential Voltage Match vs. Current • Improved Op Amp Speed Settling Time Accuracy • Minimum Input Error Trimming Error Voltage • Lower Intermodulation Distortion • Wideband Differential Amplifiers • High Speed Temperature Compensated Single Ended Input Amplifier Amps • High Speed Comparators • Impedance Converters • Sonobouys and Hydrophones • Acoustic Sensors Description The LS844 Series is the industry’s lowest input capacitance and low-noise monolithic dual N-Channel JFET. Low input capacitance substantially reduces intermodulation distortion. In addition, these dual JFETs feature tight offset voltage and low drift over temperature range, and are targeted for use in a wide range of precision instrumentation and sensor applications. The LS844 Series is available in surface mount plastic SOIC 8L, PDIP 8L and SOT-23 6L packages. Additionally, it is offered in thru-hole metal cans; the TO-71 6L and TO-78 6L package. The LS844 Series provides an increase in capabilities for a wide range of low-noise applications. The most significant aspect of the LS844 Series is how it combines a noise level comparable with the LSK389 while having much lower gate-to-drain capacitance, 4pF versus the 25pF. The slightly higher noise of the LS844 Series, versus the LSK389, is not significant in most instances, while the much lower capacitance enables designers to produce simpler, more elegant circuit designs with fewer devices that cost less in production. Like the Linear Systems LSK389, the LS844 Series features a For an equivalent single N-Channel version refer to the LSK189 datasheet. LS844 Series TO-71 6L and SOIC 8L are fit, form and unique design construction of interleaving both JFETs on the same piece of silicon to provide excellent matching and thermal tracking, pin compatible to the same LSK389 product. as well a low-noise profile having nearly zero popcorn noise. Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 1 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier Electrical Characteristics @ 25ºC (unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL CHARACTERISTIC I VGS1-2 / TI max. Drift vs. Temperature 5 10 25 µV/ºC IVGS1-2I max. Offset Voltage 1 5 15 mV CHARACTERISTIC MIN. TYP. BVGSS Breakdown Voltage -60 -- -- V VDS= 0 ID= -1nA BVGGO Gate-to-Gate Breakdown ±60 -- -- V IGGO= ±1µA ID= 0 IS= 0 Gfss TRANSCONDUCTANCE Full Conduction 1500 -- -- µS VDS= 15V VGS= 0 f = 1kHz Gfs Typical Conduction 1000 1500 -- µS │Gfs1-2/Gfs1│ Mismatch -- 0.6 3 % VDS= 15V ID= 500µA IDSS DRAIN CURRENT Full Conduction 1.5 5 15 mA │IDSS1-2/IDSS│ Mismatch at Full Conduction -- 1 5 % VDS= 15V VGS= 0 VGS(off) GATE VOLTAGE Pinchoff Voltage -1 -- -3.5 V VDS= 15V ID= 1nA VGS Operating Range -0.5 -- -3.5 V VDS= 15V ID= 500µA -IG GATE CURRENT Operating -- 15 50 pA VDG= 15V ID= 500µA -IG High Temperature -- -- 50 nA VDG= 15V ID= 500µA TA=+125ºC -IG Reduced VDG -- 5 30 pA VDG= 3V ID= 500µA -IGSS At Full Conduction -- -- 100 pA VGS= 15V VGS= 0 GOSS OUTPUT CONDUCTANCE Full Conduction -- -- 40 µS VDS= 15V VGS= 0 GOS │GOS 1-2│ Operating Differential -- 2.0 2.7 µS -- 0.02 0.2 µS VDS= 15V ID= 200µA SYMBOL Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series LS843 LS844 LS845 UNITS MAX. UNITS www.linearsystems.com CONDITIONS VDG= 10V ID= 500µA TA= -55ºC to +125ºC VGS= 10V ID= 500µA CONDITIONS Page | 2 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier SYMBOL CHARACTERISTIC MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS CONDITIONS 90 100 -- dB VDS= 10 to 20V -- 85 -- dB VDS= 5 to 10V COMMON MODE REJECTION CMRR CMRR -20 log │∆V GS1-2/ ∆V DS│ en Voltage -- -- 3.0 nV/Hz en Voltage -- -- 7.0 nV/Hz Input -- -- 8 pF CRSS Reverse Transfer -- -- 3 pF CDD Drain-to-Drain -- 0.5 -- pF CISS VDS= 15V ID= 500µA ID= 500µA ID= 2.0mA f= 1kHz NBW= 1Hz VDS= 15V ID= 2.0mA f= 10Hz NBW= 1Hz CAPACITANCE VDS= 15V ID= 500µA f= 1mHz VDD= 15V ID= 500µA f= 1mHz Notes: 1. Absolute maximum ratings are limiting values above which serviceability may be impaired. 2. Pulse width ≤2ms. 3. All MIN/TYP/MAX Limits are absolute values. Negative signs indicate electrical polarity only. 4. Derate 2.4 mW/°C above 25°C. 5. Derate 4 mW/°C above 25°C. Information furnished by Linear Integrated Systems is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Linear Integrated Systems. Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 3 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier Typical Characteristics Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 4 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier Typical Characteristics Continued Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 5 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier Typical Characteristics Continued Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 6 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier Typical Characteristics Continued Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 7 LS844 Series Low Noise, Low Capacitance, Monolithic Dual N-Channel JFET Amplifier Package Dimensions: TO-71 6 Lead PDIP 8 Lead TO-78 6 Lead SOT-23 SOT-23 6 Lead 0.95 1.90 SOIC 8 Lead 1 6 2 5 3 4 0.35 0.50 2.80 3.00 1.50 1.75 2.60 3.00 0.90 1.30 0.09 0.20 BOTTOM VIEW 0.10 0.60 0.00 0.15 BOTTOM VIEW DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS *All DIMENSIONS IN INCHES EXCEPT FOR THE SOT-23 6L PACKAGE, WHICH IS IN MILLIMETERS Ordering Information: Standard Part Call-Out LS843 TO-71 6L RoHS LS844 TO-71 6L RoHS LS845 TO-71 6L RoHS LS843 TO-78 6L RoHS LS844 TO-78 6L RoHS LS845 TO-78 6L RoHS LS843 SOT-23 6L RoHS LS844 SOT-23 6L RoHS LS845 SOT-23 6L RoHS LS843 SOIC 8L RoHS LS844 SOIC 8L RoHS LS845 SOIC 8L RoHS LS843 PDIP 8L RoHS LS844 PDIP 8L RoHS LS845 PDIP 8L RoHS Custom Part Call-Out (Custom Parts Include SEL + 4 Digit Numeric Code) LS843 TO-71 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS844 TO-71 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS845 TO-71 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS843 TO-78 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS844 TO-78 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS845 TO-78 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS843 SOT-23 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS844 SOT-23 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS845 SOT-23 6L RoHS SELXXXX LS843 SOIC 8L RoHS SELXXXX LS844 SOIC 8L RoHS SELXXXX LS845 SOIC 8L RoHS SELXXXX LS843 PDIP 8L RoHS SELXXXX LS844 PDIP 8L RoHS SELXXXX LS845 PDIP 8L RoHS SELXXXX Doc 201144 05/13/2022 Rev# A16 ECN# LS844 Series www.linearsystems.com Page | 8
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